26 August 2013

Questions to make those pesky Mormon missionaries squirm

I thought that this would be a short list that I could screen shot and post as an image, but that turned out to be an um optimistic thought.  The questions just kept coming!  I can't even answer all of them but where I can, I've included the answers.  If you use any of these, please keep track of the answers and post them in the comments.  I love to hear the garbage people come up with :D

And here they are:


1.  Was Joseph Smith convicted of fraud before or after starting his new religion?  (after)

2.  What were the fraud charges? (money scamming)

3.  How many wives did he have?  (accounts vary, some missionaries will say that some girls lied about being one of his wives to get attention)

4.  Did he have the polygamy revelation before or after his (first) wife Emma caught him in the barn with their 16-17 year old foster daughter Fannie Alger? (after.  duh)

5.  Why did he send married men off on missionaries, leaving their wives at home?  (so he could marry them himself)

6.  Why was plural marriage determined for men only? (women would go to hell if they had more than one husband)

7.  What happened when Emma asked for more husbands? (threatened her with hell)

8.  How long did young girls have to decide to follow Smith's "revelation" that they were to marry him? (24 hours)

9.  What was the punishment if they did not comply with the "revelations" of marriage that Smith supposedly had? (threatened them with hell)

10.  How many levels of heaven are there? (7, like in islam oddly enough)

11.  Who is admitted into the highest level? (married people only, and I assume they have to be "sealed" before they die)

12.  How many wives can men have in heaven? (no limit)

13.  How many husbands can women have? (one)

14.  How do women keep busy while their husbands are off servicing other wives?  Do they get jealous?  Are they allowed sex toys to keep from getting too lonely? 

15.  Where to all the extra women come from?  Why are they not joined with the husbands they had in life, or other single men who may be in the other levels of heaven?  

16.  If men become gods of their own planets, how can there possibly be only "one true god" as in the bible?  Do their wives count as goddesses or are they merely "companions"?

17.  If this "one true god" keeps a planet near a star called Kolob as his stomping grounds, why have astronomers not found this star?

18.  Why is there not a shred of archaological evidence of the grand battles in North America of the "Nephites" (white people=good) against the "Lamanites" (darker people=bad)?  Why is skin color related to good or bad? Does this not strike you as racist?

19.  If Jesus made it to North America, why is there no archaeological evidence?

20.  DNA has proven that the "Lamanites" (Native Amercians) are NOT a lost tribe of Israel. Does this not cause you to question other "teachings"?

21.  Why did it take so long for the LDS church to accept black people? 

22.  Why did god decide then to forgive Cain millenia after causing problems?  Why such a grudge? (see question 21)

23.  It has been determined that garments are NOT bulletproof, as Smith proudly claimed.  How do you feel about this ridiculous exaggeration?

24.  Do you find it odd that polygamy, #132 and the "most sacred" revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants, was only ended when the church was threatened with losing its church status?  How can the "most sacred" anything ever be obsoleted?

25.  Why do you feel that proxy baptisms are effective?  Do you not see it as disrespectful and against the beliefs and wishes of the deceased?  It's supposed to be an "option" but why can't an all-powerful god give that option himself?  Why does the almighty need intervention from puny mortals?

26.  If mormonism is the "one true religion", why has it not existed since the beginning of homo sapiens?  So many people are in hell because they didn't know about this "one true religion" since they died before the religion came into existence, never mind those in areas dominated by other "one true" religions who will never hear about it.  What would happen if mormonism declined?  Explain.

27.  How many people did Joseph Smith kill before he was shot to death?  How many did he injure?  (killed two, injured one)

28.  Why was he in jail at the time of his death? (vandalism.  he destroyed the printing press used to publish a flyer with information not in his favor)

29.  How did he get a gun in jail? (it was smuggled in by a follower)

30.  Can you please explain  the concept of "milk before meat"?

31.  What is "blood libel" and why was it not introduced at the beginning of the religion?

32.  During the translation of the Golden Plates, who destroyed the first draft and why? (Lucy Harris hid the draft. she thought Joseph was full of shit)

33.  Why is the second draft admittedly different from the first?  How could the text on the plates have changed?  

34.  Why did Smith have to hide behind a curtain to "translate" the plates to the scribe? (thanks to the scribe, we know the second draft is not the same as the first)

35.  How did Smith take a torn scrap of papyrus depicting the embalming ritual by Horus and turn it into Abraham about to murder Isaac as per god's orders?  Did he have a degree in ancient Egyptian history?

36.  Do you suppose that Smith angered a lot of people, and that instead of Smith being a "victim", he actually deserved the consequences of running rough-shod over people? (see questions 5, 27-29, 31)

37.  How do you think those missionaries felt when, upon returning home, they found that Smith had taken their wives as his own? (see question 5)

38.  As for all the questions that don't have documented answers, since they have a prophet, why are they trying to answer them?  Shouldn't the prophet be responsible for issuing the official word?  Who are mere missionaries to even try to put words into the mouth of the prophet?

39.  Please explain the details of the Mountain Meadows Massacre. (unprovoked attack on a wagon train, claim was retaliation but victims were unrelated to incident.  mormons dressed as Native Americans to scapegoat them.  all but the very youngest--under age 7--were executed)

40.  What is the concept of "lying for the lord"? (islam has a policy of deception too, interestingly enough)

41.  What makes mormons more special than other people?  Jews claim to be "god's chosen people" and muslims are told repeatedly in the quran that they are the only good people.  Why all the elitism, and who wins? 

42.  If mormons aren't better than everyone else, why bug people to convert?  Live and let live and all.

43.  What was up with the chalk marks on the doorsteps of certain houses in Utah? (Brigham Young marked the houses of the girls he had chosen to force into marriage)


If you use these questions, I ask that you be polite.  Most missionaries are nice people and get a lot of abuse as it is.  They are mostly young people and like any theist, are likely to retreat further into delusion if they are verbally attacked.  Yes I agree that ideas are not people and are not exempt from ridicule.  But these are people and the intent of my questions is to make them think, and to educate them in the horrors of their religion.  I can't stand ignorance or dishonesty about the histories of religions and believers who try to omit/lie about the bad stuff are particularly worthy of a face palm.

Oh and sorry for the skipping around.  I'm too lazy to renumber the list :p 

04 February 2013

the new Stingray

Now I'm not usually a big Chevy fan (though I did have a 1964 Corvair, but I'll save the Diva Car for another post) but this is to die for.

*sigh*  now the only way to tell if it's truly perfect is to drive it.  And if I have to change my panties after driving it, then yes it will be perfect.

03 February 2013


People have actually told me to not let on that I like nerdy things like the History and Science channels immediately, and to even hide my occupation as IT nerd, so that I don't scare people off.  Especially men.  I've never followed this lousy advice of course because I really don't feel I should have to play stupid to get dates.  So here's to them!

random rant from an IT nerd

This post is about p r 0 n.  Why this subject, do you ask?  Well a friend was complaining about having to play tech support for her friends and mentioned it as a problem, so here is my reply to her post:

P r 0 n junkies are the worst from an IT standpoint.  So desperate to get their "fix" that they'll click on anything, putting countless cyber STIs on their computers.  And you have to bring your own lysol and gloves before touching the machine because you KNOW they don't clean up...


31 January 2013

ok so I'm blonde now...

But I can't figure out how to change the picture at the top.  I've tried changing the template but the picture doesn't change.  I've tried to customize the template and that picture doesn't show anywhere for me to edit it. WTF, Google, WTF?

And here is a super cute kitten.

this was supposed to be a rant about islam...

But I lost the rant, probably the last time I reimaged.  So have some pictures of the not-so-new-now fur baby, Autumn:

So sweet she sings and drools when she purrs :)

Yes I made the kitty bed in the middle picture.  And it's in my way, behind the sewing machine, because she likes it there.  Typical cat, has to be the center of attention.  Or in the middle of your project.  *sigh*