03 February 2013

random rant from an IT nerd

This post is about p r 0 n.  Why this subject, do you ask?  Well a friend was complaining about having to play tech support for her friends and mentioned it as a problem, so here is my reply to her post:

P r 0 n junkies are the worst from an IT standpoint.  So desperate to get their "fix" that they'll click on anything, putting countless cyber STIs on their computers.  And you have to bring your own lysol and gloves before touching the machine because you KNOW they don't clean up...



  1. Fucking fuckity fuck. Yes, indeed they are. Even worse than that are the ones IN the workplace who I used to have to sit there and fix, knowing they were a married man with young children - yet the p r 0 n they're looking at was just horrendous. I'm sure you can imagine. The p r 0 n was always the cause of their necessity for tech support. I just wish I'd realised back then that it was a reportable offence.... even when it was a manager's computer I was fixing.
    I often found pubes on MY keyboard. There was a very strange man who worked as a CSO with me in that gov dept.

  2. One doctor was particularly stupid. Every month or so we would need to clean viruses off his pc and lappy and he asked me one day how to prevent problems. It was so hard not to tell him to save his porn habit for home, so I tried my best to keep my face neutral and said that if he has any questions about which websites may be malicious, he can have us check them first. Went straight back to my office where we had another good laugh at the supposedly smart person's expense. Behind his back of course. Every month!!! Just because we're low-life IT scum doesn't mean we're too stupid to know why his computers were always infected.
